Practical and insightful safety services
Empowering our clients through efficiency, workability and practicality.
As consultants, we try to inject insight into the organizations we serve to help them improve, streamline, and declutter their existing systems.
Occasionally our clients need a second set of eyes to see if something is up to par, and conforming and complying with applicable standards and regulations.
Training and education have been some of the hallmarks of Engers services.
A foundational piece of every organization’s operations is a detailed and inclusive monitoring program to ensure that the people, the equipment, and hardware used within it are fit for service.
Over the years through partnerships and collaboration with our clients and customers, Enger has developed a comprehensive set of technical services oriented around complex access and dangerous and life threating environments.
We believe people are safe because of their competence, their capabilities, and capacities to do work in a complex and changing work environment.